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EVENT: August 9, 2015

National Presbyterian Church hosts a discussion on animal welfare and Christian faith

On Sunday, August 9, 2015, Christine Gutleben (Director of Faith Outreach for the Humane Society of United States) and Michael Cromartie (V.P., Ethics and Public Policy Center) led an adult Sunday school class at National Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. on the Biblical and theological exploration of why animals are worthy of our respect and care.

The event entitled, “Every Living Thing: Animal Welfare and Christian Faith,” was a preview presentation of the Every Living Thing campaign. As a reminder, our campaign launches on September 30th and invites believers to sign the Evangelical Statement on Responsible Care for Animals and join a year long national movement for compassionate living.

A recording of this discussion is available below:

To learn more about the adult Sunday school classes at National Presbyterian Church, please visit:



You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.
William Wilberforce

Number of ELT Statement Signers


Video directed and produced by Storytellers INK